The research backgrounds of the scientists in our group are varied and inter-disciplinary, spanning from the physical sciences to biology. If you are interested in working with us please feel free to email.
Post-doctoral positions
Current vacancies are advertised on the Department of Chemistry website. If there are no positions listed, we nonetheless welcome speculative applications.
Furthermore, a range of independent funding sources exist, from both national and international sources. Nationally funded opportunities include the Royal Society, Wellcome Trust, EPSRC, BBSRC, and MRC fellowships. Alternatively european and international sources such as the Marie-Curie, EMBO and HFSP programmes might be appropriate. Junior Research Fellowships at Oxford Colleges are also available, and can be found listed in the gazette.
If you would like to apply for any of these options please email us first for advice and help in applying.
PhD studentships
There are a number of avenues open for joining the group as a PhD student, and the general admissions procedure for Departmental funding is described here.
There a number of alternative funding sources available, particularly for international students.
Students may also wish to consider applying to one of the Doctoral Training Centres, and conducting their research project with us.
Part II projects
Every year we take Oxford Part II students studying for a degree in Chemistry. Applicants from the Biochemistry course are also welcome. Potential projects are uploaded here every November.
Summer students
We are open to undergraduate students spending their summer with us performing a small research project and gaining experience in a laboratory environment.