Postdoc postions available

We have a number of postdoc positions available. For more information, please click here.

A number of Part II projects are also available. Please get in touch for information.

Chemistry & Biology paper highlighted

Our paper on deconvoluting the polydispersity of the complexes formed between sHSPs and target proteins has been highlighted by a feature article by Christine Slingsby and Alice Clark, long-time collaborators of ours from Birkbeck College at UCL.

C&E News Feature

C&E News published a cover article this week about the emerging role of mass spectrometry for structural biology. This featured our recent paper in Structure, describing the interconversion of αB-crystallin oligomers and their likely structures.

Textbook material

Florian’s PNAS paper on the quaternary dynamics and heterogeneity of the sHSPs has been featured in the new edition of the text book Biochemistry by Garrett and Grisham to illustrate the role of these chaperones in protein homeostasis.