Past DPhil

Gogulan Karunanithy

Gogs completed his undergraduate degree in Chemistry at the University of Oxford, spending his Part II year in the Baldwin Group. He has completed an EPSRC-funded DPhil in the group, and is interested in NMR methodology development. Publications

gogulan.karunanithy AT

Reid Alderson

Reid studied Biochemistry (B.S.) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and is now a Ph.D. student in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program, in which he was also supervised by Ad Bax and Justin Benesch. Alongside other biophysical tools, Reid studied the structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecules with NMR spectroscopy and native mass spectrometry.


reid.alderson AT

Mike Barber

Michael completed a biological sciences degree at the University of Leeds and is now enrolled on the interdisciplinary bioscience doctoral training partnership. Michael studies the structure and dynamics of RNA regulatory enzymes and Gaucher's disease associated Glucocerebrosidase.

Mike graduated in September 2016 and now worked in aid and development in Africa.

michael.barber AT

Iva Pritišanac

Iva studied Molecular Biology (B.S.) at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and subsequently moved to the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, where she graduated in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (M.S.). During her master studies Iva focused on structural biology, performing her major and minor research projects in NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, respectively. Iva's master's thesis focused on the usefulness of distance restraints derived from EPR and sm-FRET spectroscopic techniques as applied to the computational docking of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid complexes with HADDOCK. Her interest in using restraints from experimental techniques in computational structural biology continues in her PhD research, which focuses on using experimental restraints from solution-state NMR spectroscopy to automate resonance assignment in spectra of high molecular weight proteins.

Iva graduated in December 2016 and now worked in Frankfurt with Prof. Peter Guntert.


iva.pritisanac AT

Olga Tkachenko

Olga studied Natural Sciences (Biochemistry) at the University of Cambridge as a member of St. Catharine's College, and spent a year as an exchange student at the University of Heidelberg. She is now a DPhil student and a Lamb and Flag Scholar at St John's College. Olga is interested in conformational dynamics of proteins and in combining advanced biophysical methods to study them, and is supervised jointly by Andrew and by Justin Benesch.


olga.tkachenko AT